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Thursday, January 10, 2008


What motivate us to get up in the morning and go out to work… every day? What determines whether we take an optimistic or a pessimistic view on things? What really makes us successful? Motivation is a fascinating subject, which has intrigued researchers for decades. Motivation is a state of mind which is influenced by our environment, by those around us and of course by us.

Everyone is motivated….to do something, whether that something is to put in full day’s work and achieve a task or whether it I to do as little as possible and hopefully not be noticed. The behaviours of managers and co-worker will influence our internal state of mind, just as successful salespeople with stimulate a motivation to prescribe in the minds of their customers.

“Whether you believe that you can or whether you believe that you can’t…you’ll be absolutely right!” – Henry Ford

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will” – Vincent T Lombardi

So what is motivation?

In 1938, Henry Murray developed a list of human psychological needs that lead to particular personality traits. These needs, summarized below, led to further studies of motivation by others.

1. Achievement:
A person operating from this need strives to accomplish difficult tasks or to compete with others.

2. Affiliation
This person seeks to develop close relationships with others. Loyalty and friendships are important and this person enjoys working as part of a team.

3. Aggression
This need results in a tendency to attack, injure or punish others. He/She will win forcefully and will enjoy making others look bad.

4. Autonomy
Some people need to be able to independently. They to he in control of their job and will take full responsibility for results.

5. Deference
Deferential people tend to admire and support their superiors and other authority figures. They support and respect traditions.

6. Dominance
These people will seek to control their environment through attempting to influence others to accept their views and opinions. They will manipulate others to their own advantage.

7. Exhibition
The goal of this type of person is to be noticed and to elicit a reaction from others - the life and soul of the party.

8. Nurturance
Nurturing people find satisfaction in helping others who are more needy or disadvantaged than them.

9. Order
This person is highly organized, clean, neat and precise.

10. Power
A high need for power results in an attempt to control other people and resources and to seek high status in society.